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Introduction to Visual Basic GTK#

Introduction to Visual Basic GTK#

In this part of the Visual Basic GTK# programming tutorial, we will introduce the GTK# library and create our first programs using the Visual Basic programming language.
The purpose of this tutorial is to get you started with the GTK# and Visual Basic. Images used in this tutorial can be downloaded here. I used some icons from the tango icons pack of the Gnome project.


GTK# is a library that provides binding of the GTK+ to the Mono .NET languages like C# or Visual Basic. GTK+ is one of the leading toolkits for creating graphical user interfaces. Both GTK# and Visual Basic are parts of the Mono development platform.
vbnc -r:/usr/lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/gtk-sharp.dll quitbutton.vb
The above command shows, how to compile the quitbutton example. The -r parameter of the mono VB compiler loads the GTK# assembly. It is a dynamic library. The commnad shows a path to the dll library on a Ubuntu system.

Simple example

In the first example, we create a simple window. The window is centered on the screen.
' ZetCode Mono Visual Basic GTK# tutorial
' This program centers a window on
' the screen
' author jan bodnar
' last modified May 2009
' website

Imports Gtk

Public Class GtkVBApp
Inherits Window

Public Sub New

Me.SetDefaultSize(250, 150)
AddHandler Me.DeleteEvent, AddressOf Me.OnDeleteEvent


End Sub

Sub OnDeleteEvent(ByVal sender as Object, _
ByVal args as DeleteEventArgs)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub Main

Dim app As New GtkVBApp

End Sub

End Class
This example shows a 250x150 px window in the centre of the screen.
Imports Gtk
The Imports keyword imports necessery types that we will use in the application.
Public Class GtkVBApp
Inherits Window
The example inherits from a Window. The Window is a toplevel container.
Here we call the parent's constructor.
Me.SetDefaultSize(250, 150)
We set a default size for the application window.
This line centers the window on the screen.
AddHandler Me.DeleteEvent, AddressOf Me.OnDeleteEvent
We plug a handler to the DeleteEvent.
When everything is ready, we show the window on the screen.
 Sub OnDeleteEvent(ByVal sender as Object, _
ByVal args as DeleteEventArgs)
End Sub
The event is triggered, when we click on the close button in the titlebar. Or press Alt + F4. The method quits the application for good.
Dim app As New GtkVBApp
These three lines set up the application.

Creating a Tooltip

The second example will show a tooltip. A tooltip is a small rectangular window, which gives a brief information about an object. It is usually a GUI component. It is part of the help system of the application.
' ZetCode Mono Visual Basic GTK# tutorial
' This program shows a tooltip
' author jan bodnar
' last modified May 2009
' website

Imports Gtk

Public Class GtkVBApp
Inherits Window

Public Sub New

Me.SetDefaultSize(250, 150)

AddHandler Me.DeleteEvent, AddressOf Me.OnDeleteEvent
Me.TooltipText = "This is a Window"


End Sub

Sub OnDeleteEvent(ByVal sender as Object, _
ByVal args as DeleteEventArgs)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub Main

Dim app As New GtkVBApp

End Sub

End Class
The example creates a window. If we hover a mouse pointer over the area of the window, a tooltip pops up.
Me.TooltipText = "This is a Window"
We set a tooltip through the TooltipText property.

Figure: Tooltip

Quit button

In the last example of this section, we will create a quit button. When we press this button, the application terminates.
' ZetCode Mono Visual Basic GTK# tutorial
' This program creates a quit
' button. When we press the button,
' the application terminates.
' author jan bodnar
' last modified May 2009
' website

Imports Gtk

Public Class GtkVBApp
Inherits Window

Public Sub New

MyBase.New("Quit button")


Me.SetDefaultSize(250, 150)
AddHandler Me.DeleteEvent, AddressOf Me.OnDelete


End Sub

Private Sub InitUI

Dim quitButton As New Button("Quit")
quitButton.SetSizeRequest(80, 30)

AddHandler quitButton.Clicked, AddressOf Me.OnQuit

Dim fix As New Fixed
fix.Put(quitButton, 50, 50)


End Sub

Sub OnQuit(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As EventArgs)
End Sub

Sub OnDelete(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As DeleteEventArgs)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub Main

Dim app As New GtkVBApp

End Sub

End Class
We use a Button widget. This is a very common widget. It shows a text label, image or both.
We delegate the creation of the user interface to the InitUI method.
We have two options. Either to call Show on all widgets, or to call ShowAll, which shows the container and all its children.
Dim quitButton As New Button("Quit")
Here we create a button widget.
quitButton.SetSizeRequest(80, 30)
We set a size for a button.
AddHandler quitButton.Clicked, AddressOf Me.OnQuit
We plug the OnQuit method to the button Clicked event.
 Dim fix As New Fixed
fix.Put(quitButton, 50, 50)
We put the quit button into the fixed container at x=50, y=50.
Sub OnQuit(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As EventArgs)
End Sub
Inside the the OnQuit method, we terminate the application.

Quit button
Figure: Quit button

This section was an introduction to the GTK# library with the Visual Basic language.


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