In this part of the Ruby tutorial, we will talk about the flow control. We will define several keywords that enable us to control the flow of a Ruby program.
Conditionals and loops alter the flow of a Ruby program. Conditionals are keywords, that execute a certain statement under a specific condition. Loops are blocks of program that are executed multiple times. When the program is run, the statements are executed from the top of the source file to the bottom. One by one.
We can use the
We have a variable or an expression. The
To go through an array of elements using the for loop, we can use the
In the following example, we will print a list of numbers, that cannot be divided by 2 without a remainder.
In this part of the Ruby tutorial, we were talking about control flow structures.
Conditionals and loops alter the flow of a Ruby program. Conditionals are keywords, that execute a certain statement under a specific condition. Loops are blocks of program that are executed multiple times. When the program is run, the statements are executed from the top of the source file to the bottom. One by one.
The if statement
keyword is used to check if an expression is true. If it is true, a statement is then executed. The statement can be a single statement or a compound statement. A compound statement consists of multiple statements enclosed by the block. A block is code enclosed by the end
keyword. The then
keywords is optional. #!/usr/bin/rubyWe read a number from a user. If the number is greater than zero, then we print two messages to the console. If not, nothing is done.
num = gets.to_i
if num > 0 then
puts "num variable is positive"
puts "num variable equals to #{num}"
$ ./simpleif.rbThe condition is met and the message is written to the console.
num variable is positive
num variable equals to 4
We can use the
keyword to create a simple branch. If the expression inside the square brackets following the if
keyword evaluates to false, the statement following the else
keyword is automatically executed. The block of code is enclosed by the end
keyword. #!/usr/bin/rubyWe have a age variable. The boolean expression evaluates to false and we get "Driving licence not permitted" in the console.
age = 17
if age > 18
puts "Driving licence issued"
puts "Driving licence not permitted"
$ ./licence.rbWe can create multiple branches using the
Driving licence not permitted
keyword. The elseif
keyword tests for another condition, if and only if the previous condition was not met. Note, that we can use multiple elseif
keywords in our tests. #!/usr/bin/rubyWe have a numerical variable and we test it, if it is a negative number or positive or if it equals to zero. Depending on the value read from the user, we print one of the messages to the console.
print "Enter a number: "
num = gets.to_i
if num < 0
puts "#{num} is negative"
elsif num == 0
puts "#{num} is zero"
elsif num > 0
puts "#{num} is positive"
The case statement
statement is a selection control flow statement. It allows the value of a variable or expression to control the flow of program execution via a multi way branch. It creates multiple branches in a simpler way than using the combination of if
, elseif
statements. We have a variable or an expression. The
keyword is used to test a value from the variable or the expression against a list of values. The list of values is presented with the when
keyword. If the values match, the statement following the when
is executed. There is an optional else
statement. It is executed, if no other match is found. #!/usr/bin/rubyIn our program, we have a domain variable. We read a value for the variable from the command line. We use the
print "Enter top level domain: "
domain = gets.chomp
case domain
when "us"
puts "United States"
when "de"
puts "Germany"
when "sk"
puts "Slovakia"
when "hu"
puts "Hungary"
puts "Unknown"
statement to test for the value of the variable. There are several options. If the value equals for example to "us" the "United States" string is printed to the console. domain = gets.chompWe get an input from the user with the
method. The input also includes the newline character. The newline is excluded with the chomp
method. $ ./domains.rbWe have entered "hu" string to the console and the program responded with "Hungary".
Enter top level domain: hu
The while, until statements
statement is a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given boolean condition. It executes the code while the condition is true. The
keyword executes the statements inside the block enclosed by the end
keyword. The statements are executed each time the expression is evaluated to true. #!/usr/bin/rubyIn the code example, we calculate the sum of values from a range of numbers.
i = 0
sum = 0
while i < 10 do
i = i + 1
sum = sum + i
puts "The sum of 0..9 values is #{sum}"
loop has three parts. Initialization, testing and updating. Each execution of the statement is called a cycle. i = 0We initiate the i and the sum variables. The i is used as a counter.
sum = 0
while i < 10 doThe expression between the
and do
keywords is the second phase, the testing. Note that the do
keyword is optional. The statements in the body are executed, until the expression is evaluated to false. i = i + 1The last, third phase of the
loop. The updating. We increment the counter. Note that improper handling of the while
loops may lead to endless cycles. $ ./while.rbOutput of the example.
The sum of 0..9 values is 55
is a control flow statement, which executes code while the condition is false. The loop stops, when the condition is true. #!/usr/bin/rubyIn our example, we have a variable hours_left. We begin a count down. Each loop cycle, we print how many hours are left there. When the variable equals zero, the loop is stopped.
hours_left = 12
until hours_left == 0
if hours_left == 1
puts "There is #{hours_left} hour left"
puts "There are #{hours_left} hours left"
hours_left -= 1
$ ./until.rbRunning the example.
There are 12 hours left
There are 11 hours left
There are 10 hours left
There are 9 hours left
There are 8 hours left
There are 7 hours left
There are 6 hours left
There are 5 hours left
There are 4 hours left
There are 3 hours left
There are 2 hours left
There is 1 hour left
The for statement
When the number of cycles is know before the loop is initiated, we can use thefor
statement. The for loop is used in conjuction with ranges. For each element of a range a block of statements is executed. The statements are enclosed with the end
keyword. The do
keyword is optional. #!/usr/bin/rubyIn this example, we print numbers 0..9 to the console. In each of the loops the i variable holds a value from a range of numbers. The value is printed to the console. The .. range operator creates a list of numbers, including the last number.
for i in 0..9 do
puts "#{i}"
$ ./forloop.rbOutput of the example.
To go through an array of elements using the for loop, we can use the
method of the array. #!/usr/bin/rubyIn this example, we have an array of planets. We traverse the array and print each element of the array.
planets = ["Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter",
"Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune"]
for i in 0...planets.length
puts planets[i]
planets = ["Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter",This is an array of planets.
"Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune"]
for i in 0...planets.lengthThe
method returns the length of the array. Since arrays begin with 0, the last index is n-1. The ... range operator creates a range of numbers, excluding the last high value. puts planets[i]We print the element having a specific index in the array.
$ ./planets2.rbRunning the above Ruby program gives this output.
The each method
In Ruby, we can use theeach
method to iterate through items of an array. It takes two parameters. An element and a block. The element is put within pipes. It is a placeholder for the item of the current iteration. The block is the code which is executed on each iteration. #!/usr/bin/rubyIn this example, we go through an array of planets using the
planets = ["Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter",
"Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune"]
planets.each do |planet|
puts planet
iterator. planets.each do |planet|The
puts planet
iterator is a method, which works on the planets array. The planet is a placeholder for a current item of the iteration. We could put there any character we wanted. We could use {} characters instead of do, end keywords. The break, next statements
statement can be used to terminate a block defined by while
, for
or case
statements. #!/usr/bin/rubyWe define an endless
while true
r = 1 + rand(30)
print "#{r} "
if r == 22
loop. We use the break
statement to get out of this loop. We choose a random value from 1 to 30. We print the value. If the value equals to 22, we finish the endless while loop. while trueThis is an endless cycle. The condition for the while loop is always true. The only way to get out of this endless loop is to break out.
r = 1 + rand(30)We compute a random number from 1 to 30 and print it to the console.
print "#{r} "
if r == 22If the number equals to 22, we break the loop. The program finishes.
$ ./break.rbWe might get something like this.
20 14 6 26 30 12 2 10 18 29 28 11 30 26 20 22
statement is used to skip a part of the loop and continue with the next iteration of the loop. It can be used in combination with for
and while
statements. In the following example, we will print a list of numbers, that cannot be divided by 2 without a remainder.
#!/usr/bin/rubyWe iterate through numbers 1..99 with the
num = 0
while num < 100
num += 1
if (num % 2 == 0)
print "#{num} "
loop. if (num % 2 == 0)If the expression num % 2 returns 0, the number in question can be divided by 2. The
statement is executed and the rest of the cycle is skipped. In our case, the last statement of the loop is skipped and the number is not printed to the console. The next iteration is started. $ ./next.rbOutput of the example.
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39
41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77
79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99
The redo statement
statement restarts an iteration of a loop. Without checking the loop condition. The last example will be a more complex one. It will demonstrate the redo
statement and other features as well. #!/usr/bin/rubyWe have a simple Rock, scissors and paper game. In this code example, we will utilize the
options = ["rock", "scissors", "paper"]
while true
print <<TEXT
1 - rock
2 - scissors
3 - paper
9 - end game
val = gets.to_i
r = rand(3) + 1
if val == 9
puts "End"
if ![1, 2, 3, 9].include?(val)
puts "Invalid option"
computer = options[r-1]
human = options[val-1]
puts "I have #{computer}, you have #{human}"
if val == r
puts "Tie, next throw"
if val == 1 and r == 2
puts "Rock blunts scissors, you win"
elsif val == 2 and r == 1
puts "Rock blunts scissors, you loose"
elsif val == 2 and r == 3
puts "Scissors cut paper, you win"
elsif val == 3 and r == 2
puts "Scissors cut paper, you loose"
elsif val == 3 and r == 1
puts "Paper covers rock, you win"
elsif val == 1 and r == 3
puts "Paper covers rock, you loose"
statement, conditionals, random numbers, arrays and user input. options = ["rock", "scissors", "paper"]We have all possibilities of the game in the options array. These three words will be used when printing messages to the console.
print <<TEXTWe print the menu to the console using the heredoc syntax. The heredoc starts with << followed by a string. The same string closes the construct; it must be left aligned. This allows us to print multiple lines in one step. This menu is printed each game cycle.
1 - rock
2 - scissors
3 - paper
9 - end game
val = gets.to_iIn these code lines, we read a value from the terminal. Then we select randomly a number among 1, 2, 3. Note that rand(3) returns a number from 0, 1, 2. This is why we add 1.
r = rand(3) + 1
if val == 9If the input from the user equals 9, we print 'End' to the terminal and end the game. The
puts "End"
method terminates the program. if ![1, 2, 3, 9].include?(val)In case the user selects a different value than offered in the menu, we inform about the invalid option and redo the cycle.
puts "Invalid option"
computer = options[r-1]The numbers are transformed into strings. We print both the user's and the computer's selection.
human = options[val-1]
puts "I have #{computer}, you have #{human}"
if val == rIf both parties have the same option, there is a tie. We start a new game cycle. We utilize the
puts "Tie, next throw"
keyword. if val == 1 and r == 2Using multiple
puts "Rock blunts scissors, you win"
elsif val == 2 and r == 1
puts "Rock blunts scissors, you loose"
, elsif
branches, we compare the selections of the user and the computer. We decide, who is the winner. $ ./redo.rbSample output.
1 - rock
2 - scissors
3 - paper
9 - end game
I have paper, you have paper
Tie, next throw
1 - rock
2 - scissors
3 - paper
9 - end game
I have rock, you have scissors
Rock blunts scissors, you loose
1 - rock
2 - scissors
3 - paper
9 - end game
I have scissors, you have rock
Rock blunts scissors, you win
1 - rock
2 - scissors
3 - paper
9 - end game
In this part of the Ruby tutorial, we were talking about control flow structures.
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