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Menus And toolbars in Visual Basic GTK#

Menus And toolbars

In this part of the Visual Basic GTK# programming tutorial, we will work with menus & toolbars.
A menubar is one of the most common parts of the GUI application. It is a group of commands located in various menus. While in console applications you have to remember all those arcane commands, here we have most of the commands grouped into logical parts. These are accepted standards that further reduce the amount of time spending to learn a new application.

Simple menu

In our first example, we will create a menubar with one file menu. The menu will have only one menu item. By selecting the item the application quits.
' ZetCode Mono Visual Basic GTK# tutorial
' This program shows a simple
' menu. It has one action, which
' will terminate the program, when
' selected.
' author jan bodnar
' last modified May 2009
' website

Imports Gtk

Public Class GtkVBApp
Inherits Window

Public Sub New

MyBase.New("Simple menu")


Me.SetDefaultSize(250, 200)
AddHandler Me.DeleteEvent, AddressOf Me.OnDelete


End Sub

Private Sub InitUI

Dim mb As New MenuBar

Dim filemenu As New Menu
Dim fileItem As New MenuItem("File")
fileItem.Submenu = filemenu

Dim exitItem As New MenuItem("Exit")
AddHandler exitItem.Activated, AddressOf Me.OnActivated


Dim vbox As New VBox(False, 2)
vbox.PackStart(mb, False, False, 0)


End Sub

Sub OnActivated(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As EventArgs)
End Sub

Sub OnDelete(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As DeleteEventArgs)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub Main

Dim app As New GtkVBApp

End Sub

End Class
This is a small example with minimal menubar functionality.
 Dim mb As New MenuBar
MenuBar widget is created. This is a container for the menus.
 Dim filemenu As New Menu
Dim fileItem As New MenuItem("File")
fileItem.Submenu = filemenu
Toplevel MenuItem is created.
 Dim exitItem As New MenuItem("Exit")
AddHandler exitItem.Activated, AddressOf Me.OnActivated
Exit MenuItem is created and appended to the File MenuItem.
Toplevel MenuItem is appended to the MenuBarwidget.
 Dim vbox As New VBox(False, 2)
vbox.PackStart(mb, False, False, 0)
Unlike in other toolkits, we have to take care of the layout management of the menubar ourselves. We put the menubar into the vertical box.

Simple menu
Figure: Simple menu


Our final example demonstrates how to create a submenu in GTK#.
' ZetCode Mono Visual Basic GTK# tutorial
' This program creates a submenu
' author jan bodnar
' last modified May 2009
' website

Imports Gtk

Public Class GtkVBApp
Inherits Window

Public Sub New



Me.SetDefaultSize(250, 200)
AddHandler Me.DeleteEvent, AddressOf Me.OnDelete


End Sub

Private Sub InitUI

Dim mb As New MenuBar

Dim filemenu As New Menu
Dim ifile As New MenuItem("File")
ifile.Submenu = filemenu

// submenu creation
Dim imenu As New Menu

Dim iimport As New MenuItem("Import")
iimport.Submenu = imenu

Dim inews As New MenuItem("Import news feed...")
Dim ibookmarks As New MenuItem("Import bookmarks...")
Dim imail As New MenuItem("Import mail...")


// exit menu item
Dim iexit As New MenuItem("Exit")
AddHandler iexit.Activated, AddressOf Me.OnActivated


Dim vbox As New VBox(False, 2)
vbox.PackStart(mb, False, False, 0)


End Sub

Sub OnActivated(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As EventArgs)
End Sub

Sub OnDelete(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As DeleteEventArgs)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub Main

Dim app As New GtkVBApp

End Sub

End Class
Submenu creation.
 Dim imenu As New Menu
A submenu is a Menu.
 Dim iimport As New MenuItem("Import")
iimport.Submenu = imenu
It is a submenu of a menu item, which belogs to toplevel file menu.
 Dim inews As New MenuItem("Import news feed...")
Dim ibookmarks As New MenuItem("Import bookmarks...")
Dim imail As New MenuItem("Import mail...")

Submenu has its own menu items.

Figure: Submenu

Image menu

In the next example, we will further explore the menus. We will add images and accelerators to our menu items. Accelerators are keyboard shortcuts for activating a menu item.
' ZetCode Mono Visual Basic GTK# tutorial
' This program shows image
' menu items, a shorcut and a separator
' author jan bodnar
' last modified May 2009
' website

Imports Gtk

Public Class GtkVBApp
Inherits Window

Public Sub New

MyBase.New("Image menu")


Me.SetDefaultSize(250, 200)
AddHandler Me.DeleteEvent, AddressOf Me.OnDelete


End Sub

Private Sub InitUI

Dim mb As New MenuBar

Dim filemenu As New Menu
Dim ifile As New MenuItem("File")
ifile.Submenu = filemenu

Dim agr As New AccelGroup

Dim inew As New ImageMenuItem("gtk-new", agr)

Dim iopen As New ImageMenuItem(Stock.Open, agr)

Dim isep As New SeparatorMenuItem

Dim iexit As New ImageMenuItem(Stock.Quit, agr)
AddHandler iexit.Activated, AddressOf Me.OnActivated


Dim vbox As New VBox(False, 2)
vbox.PackStart(mb, False, False, 0)


End Sub

Sub OnActivated(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As EventArgs)
End Sub

Sub OnDelete(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As DeleteEventArgs)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub Main

Dim app As New GtkVBApp

End Sub

End Class
Our example shows a toplevel menu item with three sublevel menu items. Each of the menu items has a image and an accelerator. The accelerator for the quit menu item is active.
 Dim agr As New AccelGroup
To work with accelerators, we create a global AccelGroupobject. It will be used later.
 Dim inew As New ImageMenuItem("gtk-new", agr)
ImageMenuItem is created. The image comes from the stock of images. There is a bug in the GTK#. The Stock.New clashes with the Visual Basic New keyword.
 Dim isep As New SeparatorMenuItem
These lines create a separator. It is used to put menu items into logical groups.

Image menu
Figure: Image menu

Menus group commands that we can use in application. Toolbars provide a quick access to the most frequently used commands.

Simple toolbar

Next we create a simple toolbar.
' ZetCode Mono Visual Basic GTK# tutorial
' This program creates a
' toolbar
' author jan bodnar
' last modified May 2009
' website

Imports Gtk

Public Class GtkVBApp
Inherits Window

Public Sub New



Me.SetDefaultSize(250, 200)
AddHandler Me.DeleteEvent, AddressOf Me.OnDelete


End Sub

Private Sub InitUI

Dim toolbar As New Toolbar
toolbar.ToolbarStyle = ToolbarStyle.Icons

Dim newtb As New ToolButton("gtk-new")
Dim opentb As New ToolButton(Stock.Open)
Dim savetb As New ToolButton(Stock.Save)
Dim sep As New SeparatorToolItem
Dim quittb As New ToolButton(Stock.Quit)

toolbar.Insert(newtb, 0)
toolbar.Insert(opentb, 1)
toolbar.Insert(savetb, 2)
toolbar.Insert(sep, 3)
toolbar.Insert(quittb, 4)

AddHandler quittb.Clicked, AddressOf Me.OnClicked

Dim vbox As New VBox(False, 2)
vbox.PackStart(toolbar, False, False, 0)


End Sub

Sub OnClicked(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As EventArgs)
End Sub

Sub OnDelete(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As DeleteEventArgs)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub Main

Dim app As New GtkVBApp

End Sub

End Class
The example shows a toolbar and four tool buttons.
 Dim toolbar As New Toolbar
A Toolbar widget is created.
 toolbar.ToolbarStyle = ToolbarStyle.Icons
On toolbar, we show only icons. No text.
 Dim opentb As New ToolButton(Stock.Open)
A ToolButton with an image from stock is created.
 Dim sep As New SeparatorToolItem 
This is a separator. It can be used to put toolbar buttons into logical groups.
 toolbar.Insert(newtb, 0)
toolbar.Insert(opentb, 1)
Toolbar buttons are inserted into the toolbar widget.

Figure: Toolbar

Undo redo

The following example demonstrates, how we can deactivate toolbar buttons on the toolbar. It is a common practise in GUI programming. For example the save button. If we save all changes of our document to the disk, the save button is deactivated in most text editors. This way the application indicates to the user, that all changes are already saved.
' ZetCode Mono Visual Basic GTK# tutorial
' This program disables/enables
' toolbuttons on a toolbar
' author jan bodnar
' last modified May 2009
' website

Imports Gtk

Public Class GtkVBApp
Inherits Window

Private Dim clicks As Integer = 2
Private Dim undo As ToolButton
Private Dim redo As ToolButton

Public Sub New

MyBase.New("Undo redo")


Me.SetDefaultSize(250, 200)
AddHandler Me.DeleteEvent, AddressOf Me.OnDelete


End Sub

Private Sub InitUI

Dim toolbar As New Toolbar
toolbar.ToolbarStyle = ToolbarStyle.Icons

undo = New ToolButton(Stock.Undo)
undo.Label = "Undo"
redo = New ToolButton(Stock.Redo)
redo.Label = "Redo"

Dim sep As New SeparatorToolItem
Dim quit As New ToolButton(Stock.Quit)

toolbar.Insert(undo, 0)
toolbar.Insert(redo, 1)
toolbar.Insert(sep, 2)
toolbar.Insert(quit, 3)

AddHandler undo.Clicked, AddressOf Me.OnCount
AddHandler redo.Clicked, AddressOf Me.OnCount
AddHandler quit.Clicked, AddressOf Me.OnClicked

Dim vbox As New VBox(False, 2)
vbox.PackStart(toolbar, False, False, 0)


End Sub

Private Sub OnCount(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As EventArgs)

If "Undo".Equals(sender.Label)
clicks += 1
clicks -= 1
End If

If clicks <= 0
undo.Sensitive = True
redo.Sensitive = False
End If

If clicks >= 5
undo.Sensitive = False
redo.Sensitive = True
End If

End Sub

Sub OnClicked(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As EventArgs)
End Sub

Sub OnDelete(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal args As DeleteEventArgs)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub Main

Dim app As New GtkVBApp

End Sub

End Class
Our example creates undo and redo buttons from the GTK# stock resources. After several clicks each of the buttons is deactivated. The buttons are grayed out.
 Private Dim clicks As Integer = 2
The clicks variable decides, which button is activated or deactivated.
 undo = New ToolButton(Stock.Undo)
undo.Label = "Undo"
redo = New ToolButton(Stock.Redo)
redo.Label = "Redo"
We have two tool buttons. Undo and redo tool buttons. Images come from the stock resources.
 AddHandler undo.Clicked, AddressOf Me.OnCount
AddHandler redo.Clicked, AddressOf Me.OnCount
We plug a method for the Clicked event for both tool buttons.
 If clicks <= 0 
undo.Sensitive = True
redo.Sensitive = False
End If
To activate a widget, we set its Sensitive property to true. To deactivate it, we set it to false.

Undo redo
Figure: Undo redo

In this chapter of the Visual Basic GTK# tutorial, we showed, how to work with menus & toolbars.


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